13 April 2006


I can't believe it's been so long! Life has been hugely busy, and the online stuff just had to hit the back burner for a little while... thanks to Mary Beth for popping in and checking up on me. I'm definitely going to try and post more often (which shouldn't be hard.. I'm pretty sure I can do better than every couple months!)

So, to ease into it, I'm going to post a couple of the sermons I gave over the past few months, and then hopefully I can do a thorough update.

Main thing on the mind this week: preaching Sunday at the chaplaincy. Starting to freak out. I keep telling myself it doesn't have to be the best ever. It's Easter. I'm pretty sure that many people have said much more profound things than I'll be able to say. I'm not persuaded though. I think Easter is one of those Sundays you can't be lackluster. So.. hopefully I don't completely lose it.