04 May 2006


I have learned somethings from this semester.. (surprise, surprise). There are all the academic things, of course, but I also learned a great deal about myself (cue sappy muzak).

So, advice to myself for the future:
  • Do not jam all your classes into three days and end up in class from 8:30 to 6. This is a bad idea. You will be tired all week long.
  • Do not ignore who you are. People mean well by suggesting you should not take too many classes, but you like intellectual challenges, so remember that when you get bored, your work suffers more than having a lot on your plate. Find the balance between too little and too much.
  • Do not forget to take time for yourself, to indulge a little. Yoga, walks, quiet time, pedicures. Do not let all the demands on your time encroach on the space you carve out for yourself.
  • Do not neglect your friendships. Make time for conversation, hanging out, laughter.
  • Always love the world and the life you have. You are lucky, blessed, and happy. Be grateful for these gifts and try to share them with others. Do not lose the joy in the growth of small flowers, the squirrel who visits your steps, and the birds who sing for us.